DRAW 5 v6.1.4 - Draw Poker for Windows. This is the shareware version let others copy it! ################################################# AT-Ware, August 1, 1995. A problem has appeared in the first distributed copy of July 1995. The registration information is corrupted by the setup program! This version fixes that problem and changes a few very minor points in the program. 1. Shuffling now occurs BEFORE you deal a new hand (I was led astray by a few evil gnomes). 2. The cards draw better and faster on slower machines. 3. None of the program information files are stored in the Windows directory. If you installed the previous copy and did not edit the strange characters in the User Information dialog then Draw 5 will not operate correctly. The least you will have is strange names and values in the Top Scores dialog. The most that can happen is the program operates really, really strange. ################################################# AT-Ware, July 7, 1995. This is a small change in the User Interface for Draw 5. 1. The sounds for non-winning hands will now play randomly after a hand instead of each time. 2. A text line has been inserted at the bottom of the playing area that explain's how to use the mouse. #################### N O T E #################### This updated version will not change or delete your score file! ################################################# AT-Ware, June 1995. This is the latest version of Draw 5 from AT-Ware has the following features: Animated cards. a real human voice. visual prompts for hand values. sounds and animation can be turned off! high score logging. Like all previous versions Draw 5 can be played with the keyboard or the mouse. Compuserve Members: You can now register Draw 5 on line! Simply GO SWREG and select item #ID 6122. Odd ramblings; The good news: The cards in Draw 5 will be sized depending on your screen resolution! The not so good news: Depending on your video driver the Draw 5 main window may appear to be wider on some systems. The cards will maintain the correct aspect ratio but you will have some "dead space" on the sides of the end cards. There are a couple of things you might try: 1. Select a different system font. 2. Select a different screen mode. 3. Get a different video card. 4. Don't worry about it! (under Windows NT and 95 this problem appears to be gone!) For Windows 3.1 and above with 256 colors (minimum). A sound card is recommended. To Install Draw 5 simply run the SETUP.EXE program from within Windows. Warnings: If you have a previous version of Draw 5 your score file will be destroyed! Draw 5 will work with only 16 colors but the opening splash screen was designed to be viewed in 256 or more colors. So on low end systems it may look tacky...